Lululemon Sunset Festival + SeaWheeze

Sea Wheeze + Sunset Festicval

Hello Vancouver!!! Are you getting ready for an amazing weekend? This weekend all of Vancouver is doing what we do best…Run + Yoga!!
Lululemon’s annual SeaWheeze half marathon and Sunset Festival takes place this Saturday, it’s a huge colourful party and you don’t want to miss out! Troy and I are excited to be running (for the second time) around our beautiful city and then attending the sunset festival in the evening!  The run sold out in minutes, but for all of you who are not running why not join in on the fun at the Sunset Festival at Brockton Field in Stanley Park!

The Sunset Festival starts off with a HUMUNGO yoga class at 6pm, followed by a fill concert with headliners Capital Cities! Party also includes catering and SeaWheeze Stanley Park Beer! It’s such an incredible time to experience the beauty of Vancouver and an incredible vibe of bright colors, amazing people and a gorgeous sunset to top it all off! For all the info you need head on over to the SeaWheeze Festival site! Hope to see you there!

Tickets are $25.o0 worth every penny!


Lululemon sunset festival Seawheeze

Lululemon Sunset Festival



All photos c/o Lululemon