Welcome to our home.
My lovely friend Jasalyn from Jasalyn Thorne Photography came over a few weeks ago to capture our home so I could share it with all of you. I love sharing home decor ideas with my friends. I constantly have girl friends asking me to help them set up the perfect bedroom, or pick out the most creative wall paper. Sending pictures from my iphone doesn’t cut it anymore after Jasalyn was done her magic. I always take ideas from other homes, it’s my turn to give back!
The best way to describe our home is, Fresh, Clean, Comfortable, Welcoming and Uplifting. The wall paper in our bathroom will always give me a good pick me up, with quotes like ” You can accomplish a lot if you don’t worry about who gets the credit”. The chalk boards keep us on our toes- with what needs to get done, what’s missing in our fridge & a spot where we can write our new favourite quote of the day! We don’t have a large suite, so every corner and space counts! Might as well make it into something meaningful and of course livable!
Hope you can snatch some ideas! Enjoy! xo